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Supercharge your stress support

Presented by: Vanessa Hitch

Life just seems to be busier as each year passes, and even the ‘sense of busy-ness’ creates more stress and even greater demand on critical nutrients.
Whether it’s financial pressures, work deadlines, late nights, a big life-change or even just a hectic social calendar, higher levels of stress are now an inevitable part of life. Unfortunately, this demanding lifestyle reduces our resilience to stress and increases the allostatic burden. Allostasis describes the total internal and external physiological wear-and-tear (or burden) on our body and nervous system.

In this webinar you will:

  • How to quickly identify key signs and symptoms of adrenal dysfunction in your clinic
  • Highly effective strategies using natural medicines and ongoing stress management techniques to quickly restore your patient’s vitality and nervous system resilience
  • How to effectively prescribe activated B vitamins and evidenced-based herbal medicines in combination for super-charged stress support

New research on the benefits of a BRMs approach to treating stress and sleeplessness.

Presented by: Britta Naschold

In modern life, chronic stress becomes a main culprit of many mental and somatic disorders and most people are impacted by stress on a daily basis. Stress may disturb sleep and conversely disturbed sleep may contribute to stress.

This webinar will review latest research on:

  • How a BioRegulatory Medicine has shown to be effective in the treatment of stress and stress-related complaints such as sleeplessness.
  • How a BioRegulatory Medicine may assist in managing stress by regulating the stress and anxiety network in the brain.

Development of beneficial intestinal bacteria of infants born via caesarean section

Presented by: Dr Flavia Indrio

Colonisation at birth has a determining factor on the appropriate development of immune and metabolic functions in newborns, with impacts on their health in infancy and later in life. Many factors affect the development of the microbiota, including the type of delivery. The key message in this webinar is understanding the importance of preventing or treating dysbiosis in newborns to give them the best start in life and limit disease and poor health.

In this webinar you will:
• Discover the origins and phases of microbiota colonisation in infants pre- and post-pregnancy.
• Learn how epigenetic factors shape an infant’s microbiota.
• Understand the effects of the vaginal vs caesarian deliveries on microbiota and immune development, and how that can impact infant health.
• Discover the latest research and strategies, including probiotic use, in restoring gut health in children after a C-section.

Advanced Immune Modulation – Clinically trialled natural immunotherapy substance

Presented by: Paul Kern

The immune system is the gate keeper for maintaining safety in the body, but it often needs support to combat the challenges of the 21st century. Recent research has uncovered natural compounds that improve immune intelligence and performance, reduce fatigue and enhance wellbeing. They are called biological response modifiers (BRMs).

Solving the thyroid puzzle – Solutions for the 7 underlying causes of thyroid dysfunction

Presented by: Vanessa Hitch

Thyroid dysfunction is often overlooked or misdiagnosed and can often be the underlying cause of fatigue, weight gain, anxiety and depression, and cognitive impairment. In this informative session, we will look at how to properly and effectively assess and treat thyroid dysfunction.

Probiotics – deep diving into key mechanisms of action

Presented by: Lotta Johansson

Being able to colonise the gastrointestinal tract, normalise microbiota levels and adversely affect pathogen survival, are all desirable characteristics of an effective probiotic. But often this information is not available on specific strains.

In this unmissable webinar, you will:

  • Discover how one probiotic strain has shown proven colonisation.
  • Learn about a unique effector molecule produced by a single species and its effect on pathogens.
  • Look at the research and review how this same probiotic modulates microbiota levels and why it should be in everyone’s treatment protocol.

The fundamentals of effective and safe detoxification

Presented by: Paul Kern

Never before have we seen such a toxic burden being placed on the body. Our cellular detoxification, digestive and excretory systems are often overwhelmed, creating entirely new challenges for practitioners. However, effective and safe detoxification requires an intricate understanding of how these toxins are broken down, transported from the cells and effectively eliminated.

In this foundational evidence-based webinar you will learn:

  • Essential prescribing for detoxification, including pH regulation, gut barrier strengthening and how to safely pull toxins out of the cells.
  • About entero-hepatic recycling and how to stop partially detoxified substances being reabsorbed back into the body.
  • Complete nutritional and phytonutritional solutions for trouble-shooting all four phases of detoxification.

Building Immune Resilience

Presented by: Vanessa Hitch

Building and maintaining robust immunity for short and long term resilience involves supporting the immune system at a cellular level, the tissue level and systems level. However, the immune system is regularly compromised by internal and environmental stressors.

Each year acute respiratory infections account for over six million GP visits. And with the looming consequences of antibiotic overuse, health professionals are looking to find a better way.

In this informative and solution orientated webinar we will cover:

  • How to formulate a successful prescription for both chronic and acute cases of immune dysfunction
  • Identifying critical factors needed for immune competence
  • Protection and defence strategies against seasonal immune challenges, which work rapidly to reduce symptoms and build effective resilience.

Inflammation Resolution: A New Paradigm to Treat Inflammation

Presented by: Dr Bernd Seilheimer

It is widely accepted that the first immune system response to injury or infection is inflammation. However, when the inflammatory response is inappropriate, ineffective or excessive it can contribute to the development of a range of acute and chronic disease conditions. There are well known signs of acute inflammation and a standard view on how to treat it. In this webinar, we will examine a new paradigm on treating inflammation and take a detailed look at the biological factors involved in the process.

This innovative and interesting webinar will discuss:

  • Examining the paradigm shift in treatment of acute inflammation changing the perception of a passive process
  • The basic biology of inflammation and its resolution
  • What immunoresolvins are and how they work on acute inflammatory responses
  • How to measure inflammation resolution and the latest research surrounding this topic

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Lotta Johansson


Microbiologist with 35 years experience in the science of probiotics.

Lotta Johansson is a microbiologist with a Bachelor of Natural Sciences. She has 35 years experience in the development, quality and science of probiotics in Sweden, and collaborates with worldrenowned research experts. Lotta has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the field of probiotics.

Paul Kern

Adv Dip. Nat.


Paul Kern has been a practicing Naturopath for the past 23 years. Since 1993 he has been practicing, as a fully qualified Naturopath using Homoeopathic, Nutritional and Herbal medicine to address many complex health issues.  For over 17 years he has also been delivering highly informative seminars to Doctors, Chiropractors and Naturopaths around Australia and New Zealand.  Paul has lectured in several Australian colleges for over 15 years, in Physiology, Toxicology, Nutrition and Homeoepathic practice.

His experience offers seminar attendees a greater insight into use of Naturopathic techniques and supplements to bring about true, lasting health change in challenging clinical cases.

Vanessa Hitch

B.Sc.(CompMed), N.D.


Vanessa is a naturopath with 15 years experience as a clinician, speaker, educator and formulator both in Australia and New Zealand.
Facilitating wellness seminars and teaching nutrition, Vanessa designs highly educational and motivational training modules, keeping students and practitioners engaged and at the top of their game.

Vanessa’s passion for supporting and empowering practitioners and her dynamic speaking style will make this an interesting and informative presentation.
Vanessa has a strong focus in her clinic on womens health and a passion for improving her client’s energy levels, happiness and ful llment, so they can get the most from their lives.

Dr. Bernd Seilheimer


Bernd Seilheimer is a Neuroscientist by training. He postgraduated at the University of Heidelberg, Germany and Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA. He looks back at a long career in pharmaceutical industry (Hoffmann-La Roche, Schering AG, Bayer Schering Pharma) where he held several different management positions. From 2002-2010 he was a board member of the European Neuroscience Institute (ENI), Göttingen and from 2006 on a member of the Council of Scientific and Business Advisors of the Johnnie B. Byrd Institute, Florida, USA. He joined Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH in 2009.

In his role as Head of Systems Research and Development he is responsible for the broadening of the scientific knowledge base related to the company’s product portfolio. He makes sure that state-of-the-art technology platforms are applied and cooperations with centers of excellence are established.

Dr. Danennmaier


Julia Dannenmaier obtained her diploma as a human biologist from the University of Marburg. She gained further research experience at the Department of Infectious Diseases at Heidelberg University where she was awarded the degree of Doctor of Science for her thesis on the function of Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling 1 (SOCS1) within the cell nucleus.

After having worked for a biopharmaceutical company Julia Dannenmaier joined Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH in Baden-Baden in 2012 to lead various research projects in various areas (e.g. colds, osteoarthritis). Since 2018 she took the position of Medical Manager.

Dr. Myron Schultz


Myron Schultz is the Head of Medicine at the headquarters of Biologische Heilmittel Heel Gmbh in Germany and prior to this position, he served as Head of Medical Education at the same company. Dr. Schultz obtained his diploma in homeopathic medicine at Natal Technikon (Durban University of Technology).

Before moving to Germany, he taught pathology at the Durban University of Technology and hosted the pathology practical’s and ward rounds at the Nelson Mandela School of medicine and R.K. Khan hospital respectively, and was in addition in private clinical practice.